Federal Drug Crimes

 Proven Success In & Out of Court

Knoxville Federal Drug Crimes Lawyer

Skilled Knoxville Criminal Defense Attorney

In the United States, the majority of drug crimes are handled at the state or local level. However, any drug-related arrest could conceivably turn into a federal crime. Federal drug crimes are investigated by the DEA, FBI, or local law enforcement and are prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney General’s office. They typically carry much harsher penalties than if the crime is tried at the state level.

Due to the especially severe consequences of a federal drug crime conviction, it’s imperative to choose an attorney who has the knowledge and skill to defend your rights. At the Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz, our Knoxville drug crimes attorney has extensive experience handling drug cases at both the state and federal level.

Federal drug charges can cost you your future. Call (865) 896-9971 for the tough defense you need.

What Makes a Drug Crime Federal?

Despite the fact that most drug crimes are prosecuted by the state, any drug charge can be prosecuted federally instead. The most common ways a drug arrest can turn into a federal criminal charge include:

  • The arrest was made by a federal officer
  • You were identified by a DEA/FBI informant
  • Local prosecutors or law enforcement work with their federal counterparts

Arrest by a federal officer can happen in a number of instances. While most people might think of undercover FBI agents, federal officers include park rangers, border patrol agents, and air marshals.

Don’t roll the dice on an inexperienced lawyer. Call our firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Why Are These Crimes So Serious?

When compared to other states, the penalties for a drug crime conviction in Tennessee are already relatively harsh, especially for marijuana. However, the penalties are far more severe at the federal level, and minimum prison sentences are especially long.

Furthermore, your chances of getting probation or early release in a federal case are slim at best. Unlike overcrowded state prisons which often commute sentences, the federal government will keep you locked up for your full sentence because parole was abolished at the federal level.

Don't Plead Guilty - Take Action to Protect Your Rights.

At the Law Office of Joseph A. Fanduzz, our Knoxville criminal defense lawyer knows that quality representation can be the difference between walking free, or spending decades behind bars. As a highly experienced trial attorney, Attorney Fanduzz can build a strong defense against any charges you’re facing, regardless of how complex they may seem. If you’ve been charged with a federal drug crime, call our firm today.

The penalties of a federal drug conviction are extremely harsh. Contact our firm today to retain the tough, aggressive representation you need.

  • 1st Degree Murder Reduced 51 Years to 3-6 Years
  • Robbery Not Guilty
  • Robbery & Kidnapping Reduced Sentence
  • Felony Charges Case Dismissed
  • DUI & Simple Possession Charges Dropped
    Meet Your Attorney
    Joseph A. Fanduzz is an elite group of trial lawyers who have attended and graduated from the National Criminal Defense College.
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